Meru Accounting

Case Studys:

1.Case Study: Maximizing Tax Credits for Software Development Startup

Client Background: XYZ, founder of a dynamic software development startup, sought Meru Accounting’s expertise to enhance their financial strategy by maximizing tax benefits related to business expenses.
2.Case Study: Dual Residency and Foreign Income Reporting

Client Background: Antoni, a dual resident of Estonia and the USA, operates a business with US-sourced income and receives salary withdrawals from the company. Antoni has spent more than 365 days outside the USA during the tax year, making him eligible for foreign earned income exclusion (FEIE) under IRS rules.
3.Case Study: Managing Multi-State and Foreign Entity Reporting for Client

Client Background: XXXXXX INC operates a successful business with revenue streams across various states in the USA. Additionally, Beatriz has invested in a foreign subsidiary, requiring comprehensive tax planning and compliance strategies.
4.Case Study: Tax Implications for a Non-Resident Single Member LLC Owner in the USA

Client Background:The client, a non-resident with no physical presence in the United States, owns a single member Limited Liability Company (LLC). This unique situation raised critical questions regarding the tax liabilities and filing requirements in the USA.
5.Case Study: Comprehensive Tax Filing for U.S. Individuals with Foreign Assets and Trusts

individual with complex foreign assets and trust holdings approached **Meru Accounting** for assistance in preparing and filing their 2023 tax returns. The client had multiple sources of foreign income, foreign financial assets, and involvement with foreign trusts, requiring the accurate and compliant filing of multiple IRS forms. The scope of work included the preparation and review of Form 1040 and its supporting schedules, as well as specific forms related to foreign tax credits, foreign trusts, and foreign financial assets.

Meru Accounting

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