
Meru Accounting

Are you worried Receivables Management Services is a scam?

It is a collection agency, Receivables Management Services US. Contact the collection agency if you’re unsure about a collection record on your credit report. Contact your state Attorney General’s office, the FTC, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or a local attorney if you suspect your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

If Receivables Management Services issues you a notification, what should you do?

Carefully review the notice to confirm that you owe the amount listed. Debt collection agencies terrify many people, so they pay their bills. Let yourself think about whether or not you need to send in your resignation letter.

Make sure you recognize the banknote belongs to you before putting it in your wallet. Legal advice is necessary even if you feel the bill is yours.

After receiving notice, contact Receivables Management Services US and have them send you a letter verifying the amount you owe. You may expect them to either authenticate all of your debt information or stop attempting to collect it.

Using Receivables Management Services might help you challenge a debt that isn’t yours to pay.

If you get a collection notice for a debt that isn’t yours, you may write a dispute letter to Receivables Management Services.

  • The agency must send a debt validation letter to validate the debt.
  • Debt collectors will have to prove that you owe them money.
  • Because of the debt’s persistence (that is, it is still within the statute of limitations in your state).
  • The original creditor has authorized them to collect the loan debt.

Contact your state attorney general’s office or a private attorney to explore your options if they don’t meet your expectations. You have rights under federal law, and debt collectors who abuse those rights may be held accountable.

Can Receivables Management Services work out a settlement if they can’t pay?

It’s difficult for some clients to decide whether to attempt to work out a deal with a debt collection agency or pay the fine. If you pay the collection account, it will be on your credit report for seven years maximum. Your credit score will suffer if you have anything like this on your record. Do not pay unless you are particular about the debt and the debt collector has shown proof of power to collect with Accounts Receivable Management.

Additionally, it’s essential to remember that debt collectors may be brutal. Debt settlement payment plans may cost you more than expected if you don’t read the tiny print. Finally, you may pay the company to remove the tradeline from your report for a monetary payment. Keep a copy of this agreement and your expenses in writing. If a debt collector ever asks for access to your bank account, refuse.

The best-case scenario is to successfully dispute the debt if it isn’t yours or you aren’t responsible for it. Lexington Law does not represent you in debt settlement negotiations, so you may need to hire a local attorney to assist you.

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