Meru Accounting

Experience Hassle-Free

QuickBooks Bookkeeping

With over 9 years of experience, we are a trusted partner for accounting and bookkeeping services in the US. Whether you’re a startup, a small business, or an established enterprise, our services can meet the unique needs of your industry. Our deep understanding of US regulations and best practices can empower your financial journey and drive you toward long-lasting success!

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QuickBooks And Xero Certified Experts

50% Reduction In Costs


QuickBooks is an accounting software developed by Intuit. The primary objective of Intuit with QuickBooks is to provide hassle-free accounting software mainly to small business enterprises in order to make business management more effective and efficient. QuickBooks attain popularity in the market in early 2000, and till now, it is one of the best accounting software across the globe. It helps in providing accounting services through qualified experts via virtual collaboration at affordable rates, which helps to prevent the user’s valuable time. Moreover, the traditional way of maintaining books of accounts through pen and paper has become outdated now, and when there is software like QuickBooks, which helps to make the tiresome task of accounting into an easy one, then there is no point to go after something else.

Cloud Accounting

Earlier, accounting and bookkeeping are maintained through desktop accounting systems under which the records and transactions can be only accessed through the system in which it gets recorded. Sometimes it becomes challenging to access because of the limited availability of that particular computer. Cloud Accounting arrives as a practical solution to this drawback as cloud accounting helps maintain an accounting system that is accessible through the internet. All the accounting records are attainable anywhere from any device where there is an active internet connection. Now, through cloud accounting, the user doesn’t have to go to the specified system where accounting records are maintained as he/she can access it through any computer with an active internet connection.


QuickBooks, a product of Intuit, stands out as a premier accounting software solution tailored to meet the unique needs of small business enterprises. Its core mission revolves around simplifying and streamlining accounting processes, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of business management. Since its emergence in the early 2000s, QuickBooks has consistently maintained its reputation as one of the foremost accounting software options on a global scale. With platforms like QuickBooks Online Accountants and QuickBooks Online Specialists, businesses can access qualified experts who provide virtual collaboration services at affordable rates, saving valuable time and resources. This software has effectively rendered traditional pen-and-paper accounting obsolete, offering a seamless and user-friendly alternative for businesses seeking to simplify the complexities of financial management.

In today’s dynamic business environment, having a QuickBooks Specialist on your team can make a pivotal difference in managing financial records and ensuring compliance. QuickBooks Platforms such as QuickBooks Online Accountants and QuickBooks Online Specialists empower small businesses to remain competitive, optimize their financial operations, and stay ahead in a rapidly changing landscape. Its ability to seamlessly integrate into modern business practices positions it as the preferred choice for efficient, hassle-free accounting, making QuickBooks an indispensable asset for small enterprises aiming for financial excellence and operational efficiency.

Cloud Accounting

In the past, accounting and bookkeeping were primarily managed through desktop accounting systems, limiting access to records and transactions solely to the system where they were initially recorded. This constraint often posed challenges, especially when the specific computer was not readily available. However, Cloud Accounting emerged as a practical solution to this limitation, as it enables the maintenance of an accounting system accessible via the internet. This means that all accounting records can be conveniently accessed from anywhere, using any device with an active internet connection. With the advent of cloud accounting, users no longer need to be confined to a designated system for accessing accounting records, as they can retrieve this information from any computer with an active internet connection.

Furthermore, QuickBooks Live Expert Bookkeepers play a pivotal role in harnessing the full potential of cloud accounting. These knowledgeable professionals ensure that a company’s financial records are not only easily accessible but also expertly managed and maintained. QuickBooks Live Expert Bookkeepers assist businesses in streamlining their financial operations and facilitate a seamless transition from conventional desktop systems to the cloud. This enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of their accounting processes, making the shift to cloud accounting a smooth and convenient experience.

How Can Meru Accounting Help You?

Meru Accounting offers end-to-end accounting and bookkeeping solutions with transparency in the hourly rate for QuickBooks bookkeeper services, ensuring cost-effectiveness for our clients. Meru Accounting has garnered more than a decade of experience in accounting and bookkeeping services and has served clients across various industries in major countries, including the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and more. We provide a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the specific needs of our customers, covering the entire spectrum from record to report, quote to order, order to cash, and procure to pay.

Our specialized expertise extends to both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop, offering a range of services at a competitive QuickBooks bookkeeping cost. With our commitment to transparency and efficiency, we ensure that our clients receive top-notch accounting and bookkeeping support while being mindful of the hourly rate for QuickBooks bookkeeper services, making our solutions not only comprehensive but also cost-effective for businesses of all sizes.

With an experienced team of QuickBooks Bookkeepers and specialists in both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop, we offer a wide array of services designed to cater to your unique needs. Meru Accounting’s commitment to transparency and cost-effectiveness, while maintaining a competitive QuickBooks bookkeeper hourly rate, ensures that you receive top-quality accounting and bookkeeping support. Whether you’re in the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, or anywhere else in the world, Meru Accounting stands as the trusted partner, assisting you in managing your financial records and reports with utmost expertise and efficiency.

So, whether you’re seeking QuickBooks Bookkeeping services or cloud-based accounting solutions, Meru Accounting is your dependable choice. We not only help maintain your financial records flawlessly but also guide you towards achieving financial excellence while offering the convenience and accessibility you need in today’s dynamic business environment.

Our expertise

Add-Ons Integrations

There are many more QuickBooks add-ons applications that can help the business enterprise in maintaining accurate data and secure data sharing so that the organization can propel its business in a much better manner.

QuickBooks understand that different business organizations require different functionalities specific to the industry of that particular business and to provide these dedicated accounting operations. QuickBooks comes with add-ons for the following services:

Quickbooks ProAdvisor Program ELITE

How Can Meru Accounting Help You

Meru Accounting offers end-to-end accounting and bookkeeping solutions. Meru Accounting has experience of more than a decade in accounting and bookkeeping services and has clients in various industries across major countries, i.e., US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc. We provide multiple services as per the requirement of customers from record to report, quote to order, order to cash and procure to pay. We possess specialized expertise in both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop and provide various services like:                  

Xero Bookkeeping Services FAQ​

QuickBooks bookkeeping outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring a third-party service provider, typically based in India, to handle bookkeeping tasks using QuickBooks software. It involves delegating financial record-keeping, transaction tracking, payroll management, and other bookkeeping activities to a specialized team in India.

There are several reasons why companies choose to outsource QuickBooks bookkeeping to India:

  • Cost savings: Outsourcing to India can often result in significant cost savings due to lower labor costs and favorable exchange rates.
  • Access to skilled professionals: India has a large pool of skilled accountants and bookkeepers who are familiar with QuickBooks software and can provide high-quality services.
  • Focus on core competencies: By outsourcing bookkeeping, companies can free up internal resources and focus on their core business activities.
  • Time zone advantage: India’s time zone difference can be leveraged to ensure bookkeeping tasks are completed overnight, leading to improved efficiency and faster turnaround times.

Several bookkeeping tasks can be outsourced when using QuickBooks, including:

  • Data entry: Entering financial transactions, invoices, bills, and receipts into QuickBooks.
  • Bank and credit card reconciliation: Matching transactions in QuickBooks with bank and credit card statements.
  • Accounts payable and receivable management: Tracking and managing payments to suppliers and invoices from customers.
  • Payroll processing: Calculating employee salaries, tax deductions, and generating payroll reports.
  • Financial reporting: Preparing financial statements, balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.
  • Tax preparation: Organizing financial data for tax filing purposes and ensuring compliance with tax regulations.How secure is QuickBooks bookkeeping outsourcing to India?

Security measures can vary among different outsourcing providers, so it’s important to choose a reputable and reliable service provider. When outsourcing QuickBooks bookkeeping to India, consider the following security aspects:

  • Confidentiality agreements: Ensure the service provider signs a confidentiality agreement to protect your business’s sensitive financial information.
  • Data encryption: Verify that the outsourcing provider uses secure methods to transmit and store data, such as encryption and secure servers.
  • Access controls: Confirm that the service provider has strict access controls in place, limiting access to authorized personnel only.
  • Data backup and recovery: Inquire about the provider’s data backup and disaster recovery protocols to ensure your data is protected in case of any unforeseen events.
  • Compliance with regulations: Ensure the outsourcing provider complies with relevant data protection and privacy regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA, if applicable to your business.

When selecting an outsourcing service provider in India for QuickBooks bookkeeping, consider the following factors:

  • Experience and expertise: Look for providers with a proven track record and experience in handling QuickBooks bookkeeping tasks.
  • Client testimonials and reviews: Check for reviews and testimonials from other clients to gauge their satisfaction with the provider’s services.
  • Security measures: Inquire about the security protocols and measures the provider has in place to protect your data.
  • Scalability: Ensure the outsourcing provider can accommodate your business’s growth and handle increasing bookkeeping needs.
  • Pricing structure: Compare pricing models among different providers to ensure the cost aligns with your budget and requirements.
  • Communication and responsiveness: Evaluate the provider’s communication channels, response times, and their ability to address queries or concerns promptly.

Moreover, we can ensure you that we serve as an all-in-one accounting and bookkeeping solution partner by providing cloud add-ons, daily bookkeeping alongwith a free trial of 6 hours. Not only this, we provide expert services in Xero Bookkeeping, Odoo Bookkeeping, and other various prevalent accounting software as well. So what are you waiting for? 

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