Meru Accounting

Experience Hassle-Free

Virtual Assistant for E-commerce Business

With over 9 years of experience, we are a trusted partner for accounting and bookkeeping services in the US. Whether you’re a startup, a small business, or an established enterprise, our services can meet the unique needs of your industry. Our deep understanding of US regulations and best practices can empower your financial journey and drive you toward long-lasting success!

Hire Remote Team

Tax Return Filing By Certified CPA / Enrolled Agent

QuickBooks And Xero Certified Experts

50% Reduction In Costs

Virtual Assistant for E-commerce Business

  • Are you an e-commerce business owner? Do you feel overwhelmed by the endless tasks and responsibilities that come with running your online store? This is the most common problem of all E-commerce business owners. Managing inventory, processing orders, marketing your products, and providing top-notch customer service can be very challenging. But there’s a solution that can help lighten your workload and boost your business’s efficiency – Virtual Assistant (VA). We will explore how a VA can revolutionize your e-commerce business and share tips on finding the best one for your needs.

Virtual Assistant for E-commerce Business

Are you an e-commerce business owner? Do you feel overwhelmed by the endless tasks and responsibilities that come with running your online store? This is the most common problem of all E-commerce business owners. Managing inventory, processing orders, marketing your products, and providing top-notch customer service can be very challenging. But there’s a solution that can help lighten your workload and boost your business’s efficiency – Virtual Assistant (VA). We will explore how a VA can revolutionize your e-commerce business and share tips on finding the best one for your needs.

Ok, be honest. Do you dream to have someone who can efficiently manage your revenue,expenses, cash, profits, in short, everything related to your financial system?

Benefits Of Online Or Virtual Bookkeeping Services

Online outsourced bookkeeping services have numerous benefits, some of which are

It lets you focus on running your core business

It helps you gain better efficiency and productivity

You are assured of effective compliance check

It results in huge cost savings on bookkeeping expenses

You get access to certified bookkeeping experts which in turn results in better operational management and control

You are relieved from the burden of hiring, training and maintaining in-house accountants

It results in saving administrative overheads

You can anytime scaleup or scaledown the bookkeeping services as per your requirements and seasonal needs

You can get real-time and round-the-clock access to your online bookkeeping and accounting

Professional bookkeeping experts can assist you with complete financial management right from managing bookkeeping to filing tax returns.

You get business support from a certified and skilled bookkeeping expert

You do not have to worry about purchasing costly accounting software, upgrading them, or taking backups.

Meet Our Expert Accounting And Bookkeeping Team

Meru Accounting has a dedicated team of well-trained and highly experienced accounting professionals to suit your firm’s needs. We provide our services with expertized automation with full-charge remote bookkeepers, an accounting software specialist, and an accounting manager or controller. Our team quickly adapts to your specified software and processes and at the same time ensures quick turnaround time and quality standards. 

Our Bookkeeping Software Capabilities

Experts of virtual & remote bookkeeping services at Meru Accounting have experience in using all the latest bookkeeping software available in the market. Some of the bookkeeping software that we use are: 

What Is Unique About Our Online Bookkeeping Services?

There are thousands of outsourced bookkeeping service providers in the market. But what differentiates us from our competitors and why our clients love us the most? Find out the answer below!


Our dedicated and skilled team of Chartered Accountants, CPAs and Company Secretaries have in-depth knowledge and understanding of how bookkeeping works in different industries across the globe.


We have a time-tested and proven track record of offering efficient bookkeeping services since ___ years.

Reasonable Pricing

We are known to offer quality services at an affordable rate which is as low as $___ per month.

Cost Saving

We join hands with an assurance of cost savings of up to 60% when compared to in-house bookkeepers.

Passion For Excellence

We strive to achieve the best in everything we do. Therefore, we employ best practices and industry standards ensuring the highest quality of services.


We are a trustworthy India-based company operating since ___ with operations in United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, Hong Kong, Canada, Jersey and other European countries, etc.

Security And Privacy

We have high-level security systems in place. With advanced technology and software, we offer foolproof secure encryption which encodes all your transactions and offers complete safety and data privacy.

World-Class Infrastructure

With a robust infrastructural set-up and productive resources, we ensure uninterrupted services to our clients.


We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and display integrity in our behavior at all times.

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Who is a Virtual Assistant?

  • A virtual assistant, commonly known as a VA, is a professional who provides administrative, technical, or creative support remotely. They work independently and can assist you with various tasks to help streamline your e-commerce business operations. A VA can handle everything from managing emails and scheduling appointments to social media management and customer service.
  • Communication with VAs typically takes place through email, phone calls, video conferences, or project management tools. This ensures seamless collaboration regardless of geographical distance. By delegating tasks to a capable VA, you free up valuable time and energy that can be better utilized for strategic planning and growing your e-commerce business. Plus, having someone dedicated to handling routine administrative duties allows you to focus on core aspects of your online store’s success.

How Can A Virtual Assistant Help In Your Ecommerce Business?

  • A virtual assistant (VA) can play a vital role in your e-commerce business. With their expertise and support, you can streamline your operations, increase efficiency, and focus on growing your business.

Customer Service

Inventory Management

Social Media Management

Accounting and Bookkeeping

Who is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant, commonly known as a VA, is a professional who provides administrative, technical, or creative support remotely. They work independently and can assist you with various tasks to help streamline your e-commerce business operations. A VA can handle everything from managing emails and scheduling appointments to social media management and customer service.

Communication with VAs typically takes place through email, phone calls, video conferences, or project management tools. This ensures seamless collaboration regardless of geographical distance. By delegating tasks to a capable VA, you free up valuable time and energy that can be better utilized for strategic planning and growing your e-commerce business. Plus, having someone dedicated to handling routine administrative duties allows you to focus on core aspects of your online store’s success.

How can a Virtual Assistant help in your Ecommerce Business?

A virtual assistant (VA) can play a vital role in your e-commerce business. With their expertise and support, you can streamline your operations, increase efficiency, and focus on growing your business.

Benefits Of Hiring A Virtual Assistant For An E-Commerce Business

Running an e-commerce business comes with many challenges. From managing inventory and fulfilling orders to customer service and marketing, there’s always something that needs your attention. This is where hiring a virtual assistant (VA) can be beneficial. The following are some benefits of hiring a virtual assistant:

Cost savings

Instead of hiring full-time employees, you can hire VAs on an hourly basis, saving you money on salaries, benefits, and office space. Plus, VAs often work remotely, so you don't have to worry about additional overhead costs.


With the help of a VA, you can delegate time-consuming tasks like data entry, product listing optimization, and customer support. This allows you to focus on high-value activities such as strategy development and growing your online store.


As your workload fluctuates throughout the year (such as during seasonal sales or peak shopping periods), you can easily scale up or down by adjusting the number of hours or tasks assigned to your VA.

Other Benefits

VAs are skilled professionals who bring expertise in various areas such as social media management, content creation, and SEO optimization. By leveraging their skills and knowledge, you can enhance your online presence and drive more traffic to your e-commerce website.

In addition to these benefits, hiring a VA also frees up valuable time for yourself. Running an e-commerce business requires wearing multiple hats; having someone else handle some of the day-to-day tasks allows you to focus on strategic decision-making and long-term growth opportunities.

Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant for an E-commerce Business

Running an e-commerce business comes with many challenges. From managing inventory and fulfilling orders to customer service and marketing, there’s always something that needs your attention. This is where hiring a virtual assistant (VA) can be beneficial. The following are some benefits of hiring a virtual assistant:

How To Find The Best Virtual Assistant For Your Ecommerce Business?

Finding the best virtual assistant for your e-commerce business can be challenging. With the right VA by your side, you can streamline your operations, increase productivity, and focus on growing your business. But how do you go about finding the perfect fit? Tips to find the best Virtual Assistant for your e-commerce business:

Define tasks and responsibilities

Explore different platforms

Look for experience


How to find the best Virtual Assistant for your Ecommerce Business?

Finding the best virtual assistant for your e-commerce business can be challenging. With the right VA by your side, you can streamline your operations, increase productivity, and focus on growing your business. But how do you go about finding the perfect fit? Tips to find the best Virtual Assistant for your e-commerce business:

Meru Accounting's Virtual Assistance Service For E-Commerce

Meru Accounting understands the unique needs of e-commerce businesses and offers top-notch virtual assistance services tailored specifically for this industry. With years of experience in accounting and finance, our team of skilled virtual assistants can help streamline your e-commerce operations and boost your business’s overall efficiency.

1. Inventory Management

Our virtual assistants can assist with tracking inventory levels, coordinating with suppliers, and ensuring smooth order fulfillment processes. This ensures that you never run out of stock or disappoint customers with delayed shipments.

2. Financial reporting and analysis

Our VAs can generate detailed reports on sales, expenses, profit margins, and other key financial metrics. By analyzing these reports, you can gain insights into your business performance and make informed decisions to drive growth.

3. Proficiency in bookkeeping tasks

Our VAs are experts in accounting and bookkeeping tasks such as entering sales data, reconciling accounts receivable/payable statements, and managing invoices. This saves you time and allows you to focus on core aspects of your e-commerce business like marketing or customer service.

4. Knowledge of Tax Regulations

Our virtual assistants know about tax regulations specific to the e-commerce industry. They can ensure that your business remains compliant with tax laws while maximizing deductions to minimize tax liabilities.

Meru Accounting's Virtual Assistance Service for E-commerce


In today’s fast-paced world, running an e-commerce business is not an easy job. But with the help of a virtual assistant, you can lighten your workload and focus on growing your business. A virtual assistant is a remote professional who provides support services to entrepreneurs and businesses from a remote location. By hiring a virtual assistant for your e-commerce business, you can experience a lot of benefits. Virtual Assistants can handle various tasks such as customer service, order processing, inventory management, social media marketing, content creation, and much more. Their expertise in these areas allows them to efficiently manage day-to-day operations while you concentrate on strategic decision-making.

If you’re looking for reliable Virtual Assistance services specifically tailored for e-commerce businesses along with accounting expertise, then Meru Accounting is here to assist you! With our team of experienced VAs who understand the difficulties of managing an online store combined with our accounting knowledge, we ensure seamless operation while maintaining financial accuracy. Streamline your business operations by hiring VAs from Meru Accounting and transform your e-commerce journey.


In today’s fast-paced world, running an e-commerce business is not an easy job. But with the help of a virtual assistant, you can lighten your workload and focus on growing your business. A virtual assistant is a remote professional who provides support services to entrepreneurs and businesses from a remote location. By hiring a virtual assistant for your e-commerce business, you can experience a lot of benefits. Virtual Assistants can handle various tasks such as customer service, order processing, inventory management, social media marketing, content creation, and much more. Their expertise in these areas allows them to efficiently manage day-to-day operations while you concentrate on strategic decision-making.
If you’re looking for reliable Virtual Assistance services specifically tailored for e-commerce businesses along with accounting expertise, then Meru Accounting is here to assist you! With our team of experienced VAs who understand the difficulties of managing an online store combined with our accounting knowledge, we ensure seamless operation while maintaining financial accuracy. Streamline your business operations by hiring VAs from Meru Accounting and transform your e-commerce journey.

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      Yes, bookkeeping and accounting are different from each other but they work in parallel to each other. Bookkeeping deals with identifying, recording and maintaining financial transactions. On the other hand, accounting is referred to the process of summarizing and interpreting the transactions in the specified ledger format.

      Yes, outsourcing bookkeeping is 100% safe, whether it is online or offline. You partner with professionals who understand the confidential nature of a company’s accounts. Besides, they employ secured encryption technology and advanced software that ensure data privacy and safety.

      A virtual bookkeeping service saves your business both time and money. Besides, it increases efficiency and productivity, making your business more profitable.

      Of course, they can! However, incorrect accounting done by your in-house accountant can lead to heavy financial losses. You can be saved from this situation with a professional bookkeeping service. A certified bookkeeper very well understands the fundamentals of accounting and they are experts in this field.

      Having QuickBooks and knowing how to efficiently use the software are two different things. You might be knowing how to enter the data into QuickBooks but if you are not able to utilize the software to its fullest potential then it is of no use. A bookkeeping expert knows how to efficiently use this financial software and get the relevant data to facilitate better business decisions.

      The answer to this question depends completely on your preference. While some people prefer to physically meet their financial expert, others prefer to communicate online. Based on your specific needs and choice, you can select any option. However, you must note that in today’s world, it is very easy and flexible to work remotely with outsourced partners.

      Absolutely no. Small or medium, any business can opt for outsourced bookkeeping. In fact, some of our clients generate annual revenue of $30 million.

      We need just 2 weeks to set up your bookkeeping service online. However, before we do that, we need to assess the accuracy of your books of accounts. If they are not in the good shape, we need to organize them before we can proceed with the day-to-day bookkeeping work.

      Outsourced bookkeeping is the most ideal option for your start-up as the volume of transactions is very low. You can save the cost of hiring and training a full-time dedicated accountant and get your accounts maintained by bookkeeping experts. Moreover, you can choose the package that suits your current needs and anytime in the future scale up or scale down their services based on your requirements.

      In virtual bookkeeping service, we communicate with our clients remotely. Our online bookkeeping experts use computerized bookkeeping software to regularly update financial transactions, review and prepare statements, reconcile accounts and generate reports.


      Yes, bookkeeping and accounting are different from each other but they work in parallel to each other. Bookkeeping deals with identifying, recording and maintaining financial transactions. On the other hand, accounting is referred to the process of summarizing and interpreting the transactions in the specified ledger format.

      Yes, outsourcing bookkeeping is 100% safe, whether it is online or offline. You partner with professionals who understand the confidential nature of a company’s accounts. Besides, they employ secured encryption technology and advanced software that ensure data privacy and safety.

      A virtual bookkeeping service saves your business both time and money. Besides, it increases efficiency and productivity, making your business more profitable.

      Of course, they can! However, incorrect accounting done by your in-house accountant can lead to heavy financial losses. You can be saved from this situation with a professional bookkeeping service. A certified bookkeeper very well understands the fundamentals of accounting and they are experts in this field.

      Having QuickBooks and knowing how to efficiently use the software are two different things. You might be knowing how to enter the data into QuickBooks but if you are not able to utilize the software to its fullest potential then it is of no use. A bookkeeping expert knows how to efficiently use this financial software and get the relevant data to facilitate better business decisions.

      The answer to this question depends completely on your preference. While some people prefer to physically meet their financial expert, others prefer to communicate online. Based on your specific needs and choice, you can select any option. However, you must note that in today’s world, it is very easy and flexible to work remotely with outsourced partners.

      Absolutely no. Small or medium, any business can opt for outsourced bookkeeping. In fact, some of our clients generate annual revenue of $30 million.

      We need just 2 weeks to set up your bookkeeping service online. However, before we do that, we need to assess the accuracy of your books of accounts. If they are not in the good shape, we need to organize them before we can proceed with the day-to-day bookkeeping work.

      Outsourced bookkeeping is the most ideal option for your start-up as the volume of transactions is very low. You can save the cost of hiring and training a full-time dedicated accountant and get your accounts maintained by bookkeeping experts. Moreover, you can choose the package that suits your current needs and anytime in the future scale up or scale down their services based on your requirements.

      In virtual bookkeeping service, we communicate with our clients remotely. Our online bookkeeping experts use computerized bookkeeping software to regularly update financial transactions, review and prepare statements, reconcile accounts and generate reports.

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