Meru Accounting

Expert Local Bookkeeping Services for US Businesses

Say goodbye to accounting headaches. Meru Accounting provides comprehensive local bookkeeping, Tax preparation, and filing services tailored to fit your business needs. With us managing your financials, you can dedicate more time to innovation and business growth

Bookkeeping and Tax services in Alabama

In Alabama, businesses and individuals must comply with various tax regulations and rates to maintain proper tax compliance.

Bookkeeping and Tax services in Alaska

In Alaska, businesses and individuals must adhere to various tax compliance requirements, despite the absence of certain taxes that are common in other states.

Bookkeeping and Tax services in Arizona

In Arizona, both businesses and individuals are required to meet a variety of tax compliance obligations and adhere to specific tax rates.
State Individual Income Tax Rates Corporate Income Tax Rate Sales Tax Rate (State+Local) Filing Deadlines Estimated Tax Payments Penalties for Non-compliance More Info
Alabama 2% - 5% 6.5% 4% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 10% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 5% per annum View More
Alaska No state income tax No state income tax 0% (Local sales tax may apply) April 15 No state requirement for estimated payments Late payment: Interest and penalty of 5% of unpaid tax View More
Arizona 2.59% - 4.50% 4.9% 5.6% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 4% per month, up to 25%; Late payment: 1% per month, up to 16% View More
Arkansas 2% - 5.9% 1% - 6.2% 6.5% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: $50 or 5% of tax due, whichever is greater; Late payment: 10% of unpaid tax plus interest View More
California 1% - 13.3% 8.84% 7.25% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of unpaid tax; Late payment: 5% per month; Interest: 7% per annum View More
Colorado 4.4% 4.55% 2.9% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% per month, up to 25%; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 2% per annum View More
Connecticut 4.4% 4.55% 2.9% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% per month, up to 25%; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 2% per annum View More
Delaware 2.2% - 6.6% 8.7% 0% April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: $50 or 10% of tax due, whichever is greater; Late payment: 1.5% per month; Interest: 1% per month View More
Florida No state income tax 5.5% 6% + Local (varies) April 15 No state requirement for estimated payments Late filing: 10% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 12% per annum View More
Georgia 1% - 5.75% 5.75% 4% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due, plus $50; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 7% per annum View More
Hawaii 1.4% - 11% 4.4% 4% + Local (varies) April 20 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% per month, up to 25%; Late payment: 2% per month; Interest: 10% per annum View More
Idaho 1.6% - 6.5% 6% 6% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 3% per annum View More
Illinois 4.95% 9.5% 6.25% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due, plus $100; Late payment: 2% per month; Interest: 5% per annum View More
Indiana 3.23% 5.25% 7% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 10% of tax due; Late payment: 10% of unpaid tax; Interest: 8% per annum View More
Iowa 0.33% - 8.53% 5.5% 6% + Local (varies) April 30 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% per month, up to 25%; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 6% per annum View More
Kansas 3.1% - 5.7% 4% 6.5% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 2% per month; Interest: 8% per annum View More
Kentucky 5% 5% 6% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 2% per month; Interest: 7% per annum View More
Louisiana 2% - 6% 4% 4.45% + Local (varies) May 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 3% per annum View More
Maine 3.5% - 7.15% 3.5% 5.5% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due, up to $25; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 6% per annum View More
Maryland 2% - 5.75% 8.25% 6% + Local April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due, up to 25%; Late payment: 10% of unpaid tax; Interest: 10% per annum View More
Massachusetts 5% 8% 6.25% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 1% per month, up to 25%; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 5% per annum View More
Michigan 4.25% 6% 6% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 1% per month, up to 25%; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 5% per annum View More
Minnesota 5.35% - 9.85% 9.8% 6.875% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 5% of unpaid tax; Interest: 8% per annum View More
Mississippi 3% - 5% 5% 7% + Local(varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due, up to $100; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 8% per annum View More
Missouri 1.5% - 5.4% 4% 4.225% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments for self-employed Late filing: 5% per month; Late payment: 1% per month View More
Montana 1% - 6.75% 6.75% 0% April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 4% per annum View More
Nebraska 2.46% - 6.84% 5.58% 5.5% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 3% per annum View More
Nevada No state income tax 0% 6.85% + Local (varies) April 15 No state requirement for estimated payments Late payment: Interest and penalty of 5% of unpaid tax; Collection costs may apply View More
New Hampshire No state income tax 7.7% 0% April 15 No state requirement for estimated payments Late payment: Interest and penalty of 5% of unpaid tax; Collection costs may apply View More
New Jersey 1.4% - 10.75% 9% 6.625% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 5% of unpaid tax; Interest: 6% per annum View More
New Mexico 1.7% - 4.9% 5.9% 5.125% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments for self-employed Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 5% of unpaid tax; Interest: 7% per annum View More
New York 4% - 10.9% 6.5% 4% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 10% of unpaid tax; Interest: 7% per annum View More
North Carolina 4.75% 2.5% 7% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 10% of unpaid tax; Interest: 5% per annum View More
North Dakota 1.1% - 2.9% 1.41% 5% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 5% of unpaid tax; Interest: 3% per annum View More
Ohio 0.5% - 3.99% 6.5% 5.75% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 15% of unpaid tax; Interest: 4% per annum View More
Oklahoma 0.5% - 6% 4% 4.5% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 5% of unpaid tax; Interest: 10% per annum View More
Oregon 4.75% - 9.9% 6.6% 0% April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 5% of unpaid tax; Interest: 9% per annum View More
Pennsylvania 3.07% 9.99% 6% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 3% per annum View More
Rhode Island 3.75% - 5.99% 7% 7% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 5% of unpaid tax; Interest: 8% per annum View More
South Carolina 0% - 7% 5% 6% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 7% per annum View More
South Dakota No state income tax 0% 4.5% + Local (varies) April 15 No state requirement for estimated payments Late payment: Interest and penalty of 5% of unpaid tax; Collection costs may apply View More
Tennessee No state income tax 6.5% 7% + Local (varies) April 15 No state requirement for estimated payments Late payment: Interest and penalty of 5% of unpaid tax; Collection costs may apply View More
Texas No state income tax 1% - 2% 6.25% + Local (varies) April 15 No state requirement for estimated payments Late payment: Interest and penalty of 5% of unpaid tax; Collection costs may apply View More
Utah 4.85% 4.95% 6.1% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 4% per annum View More
Vermont 3.35% - 8.75% 8.5% 6% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 1% per month; Interest: 6% per annum View More
Virginia 2% - 5.75% 6% 5.3% + Local (varies) May 1 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 6% of unpaid tax; Late payment: 6% per annum; Interest: 10% per annum View More
Washington No state income tax 1.5% 6.5% + Local (varies) April 15 No state requirement for estimated payments Late payment: Interest and penalty of 5% of unpaid tax; Collection costs may apply View More
West Virginia 3% - 6.5% 6.5% 6% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 10% of unpaid tax; Interest: 5% per annum View More
Wisconsin 3.54% - 7.65% 7.9% 5% + Local (varies) April 15 Quarterly payments required Late filing: 5% of tax due; Late payment: 5% of unpaid tax; Interest: 5% per annum View More
Wyoming No state income tax 0% 4% + Local (varies) April 15 No state requirement for estimated payments Late payment: Interest and penalty of 5% of unpaid tax; Collection costs may apply View More

Individual Income Tax Rates

Corporate Income Tax Rate

Sales Tax Rate

Filing Deadlines

Estimated Tax Payments

Penalties for Non-compliance

Click Here To View


2% - 5%


4% + Local (varies)

April 15

Quarterly payments required

Late filing: 10% of tax due;
Late payment: 1% per month;
Interest: 5% per annum


No state income tax

No state corporate tax

(Local sales tax may apply)

April 15

No state requirement for estimated payments

Late payment: Interest and penalty of 5% of unpaid tax;
Collection costs may apply


2.59% - 4.50%


5.6% + Local(varies)

April 15

Quarterly payments required

Late filing: 4% per month, up to 25%;
Late payment: 1% per month, up to 16%


2.59% - 4.50%


5.6% + Local(varies)

April 15

Quarterly payments required

Late filing: 4% per month, up to 25%;
Late payment: 1% per month, up to 16%

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